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"God is love, Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them" 1 John 4:16
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Tinker Skunk Learns the Golden Rule August 2018
This Christian-based fictional story provides a moral lesson on treating others with respect. A little mischievous skunk named Tinker explores a forest in search of a pet for a playmate. After innocently mistreating other animals through his curiosity, he finds himself in a similar situation and must escape. Tinker's mother and Pappy Possum teach him to respect others using the golden rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
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Paperback $16.00 Hardcover $25.00 All prices include sales tax
Armadillo Learns the Power of Kindness December 2018
The desert comes alive with dangerous, unkind creatures in this Christian-based children's story. This colorful adventure teaches lessons in character traits as well as earth and life science. Armadillo's journey allows him to build friendships through compassion and kindness. Join this sweet character to learn how his loving ways change many desert creatures from bullies to friends.
Paperback $16.00 Hardcover $25.00 All prices include sales tax
Tilford Rat Learns the Ten Commandments August 2019
Wayne and his pet rat, Tilford, love spending the night on Grandpa's farm. Story time on the front porch is a special moment, but Grandpa decides that a sunset stroll in autumn is the perfect setting to explain the Ten Commandments to Wayne. The animals' behaviors on Brier Bend Farm help Wayne understand God's laws from the Bible. Join mischievous Tilford as he follows along on this meaningful adventure.
Paperback $16.00 Hardcover $25.00 All prices include sales tax